What is FALCO ?

The Brand « FALCO » was created in 2004 by the managing director of Bérenger International Company Laurent Bérenger, in order to export his products. The brand is Belgian origin and « FALCO » means « Falcon » in Latin. Speed and precision are the characteristics of this animal and the Company wanted to use these words as a motto.

Who are we ?

I myself am the creator of the forum Matos TT (http://www.matostt.com/), which was created on the 6th of July 2006. This innovative website was the first social network for exchange between table-tennis players. In fact, it is a way for the players to compare their impressions on their equipment and to do tests for a cheaper price.

I knew many producers and equipment manufacturers and I subsequently met Laurent Bérenger. He saw my devotion and suggested that I take over the brand « FALCO » because its aim is to bring about progress in the table-tennis world.

Therefore, I took over the brand « FALCO » on the 15th of July 2011, by giving a new status to Matos TT and giving FALCO a new French identity.


Yannick FER